On Time!

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.. “There will be no more delay! (Rev10:6)

When Will the Earth be Recycled! God Will Delay No More!

1. Great tribulations ahead ! God issuing warnings all the time! — Voice of 7 thunders (v1-3), voice from heaven (v4) ,the 7th angel sounded his trumpet (v5-8); the church in all ages must prophesy the truth (v9-11). Do not be silent be bold to preach!

2. Trust Him — be it the trembling earth, scorching wind & storm.., Each time we simply fix our eyes on the Almighty & Unchanging Protector , Leader, Avenger & Ruler of universe (v1). We know who we believe in, trust Him !

Scripture of the day: Revelation 10

Indepth commentary: Revelation 10


* Prayer request 1: After harvest of Nov- 11 gospel meetings, Church in HK
moves straight on with 3 more gospel meetings for Working group / youth on Dec 19-20.
Let’s all pray for the thousands of lost souls . Jesus loves all!

* Prayer request 2: Sister HON Choy Kei, (???), 15, still weak after Fontan procedure on
her heart. Pray forher steady recovery & may God use her to testify for Him all her life!

* Bible software free download at Bible Plus, http://palmbibleplus.sourceforge.net/

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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