Chasing Daylight!

Everyday New Testament, Mark Add comments
So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.”… (Mark 2:28)

Amazing Grace in 2 Fold – The Servant of God serves as:

1. The Lord who pardons (v1-12)

2. The Lord who brings peace (v23-28)

Scripture of the day: Mark 2:13-28
Indepth commentary: Mark 2


* The Homosexual Movement is sweeping the world, crushing family ties & time-honored values. It is another wave of tsunami attacking our society, our church. It is not merely about freedom or rights but a thoughtfully strategized warfare which will destroy family morals. Let’s all be watchful with prayers for HK. Read ?????????? (Homosexual Movement Uprooting All Ethics), translated by Young Man CHAN ???.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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