The Lord is Good!

Peter 1, Voice Divine Add comments
…for Christ also has suffered for you, leaving you a model follow in His steps <2:21>
once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. <2:10>

Two expectations from our God Father:
1. have spiritual appetite & grow up (v.1-3) — Are you still like a new born baby that you have milk regularly?
2. living stones built as spiritual house (v.4-7) — Today, are you filled by Spirit ? have Christians with you to go through all sufferings?

*Our dear Sister, Yip Mei Yin???, grows up in a Christian family and graduated from Theological seminary. This is her heartfelt wish : “Thanks to His mercy and plan. A church hires me as a minister and I’ll start working on 1 Dec. May the Lord use me!” (The Lord chooses and it will come true. Pls pray for her.)
*A sister’s mother took the initiative to go to church because of the recent environmental situation. The meeting was the sharing about SARS from Professor Shum ??? which just suited her need. She confessed and became Christian on that day!

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