Second Chance?

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
The kingdom of the heavens is like a treasure hid in the field…<13:44>

3 Laws in the development of the Kingdom :
1. Strong vitality?v.31…32?…A smallest seed grows into huge tree. Can the world see this kind of transformational power on us?
2. Invisible influence?v.33…35?…The Spirit in us is hiding yet never lying by, and its affection is so tremendous that brings a quality change of the community!
3. Strong discernment?v.47…50?…There are always bad guys in religion world, sometimes false teachings are mixed in truths. We can only wait for God’s final judgment;but be alert , otherwise we might be thrown away by Lord (v.48?

? Alvin Leung fr Toronto …”The Conservatives won election in Canada. The Lord has heard prayers of millions of b/s, granting the government a chance to reestablish the Christians & family values. The new government is against the legalization of homosexual marriage. Pls pray that we can stand for God’s rights in Canada.”?Last year homosexual marriage is legalized in Canada, shocking the whole world as a collapse of traditional family system. The saints in N.America sent heaps of letters to the Ark Channel requesting for urgent prayers over the world!?for detai pls click

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