My Life in Your Script!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
…I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners! (v17b)

1 Paralytic + 4 in Oneness = Same Faith, Same Heart!

1. no more strength, future, nor hope? — Watchful, our unbelieving friends paralyzed in sin! (v.1-4)

2. He is able, He is willing & He is calling — He comes to save sinners (v.5-17)

Scripture of the day: Mark 2:1-12
Indepth commentary: Mark 2


* Sister Claudia (HK) completed the 6th chemo injection yesterday. It is all for God’s grace! Her husband Michael thanks all saints for their prayers. Claudia will brave radiotherapy that follows,”…in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” (Rom 8:37)

* Our vote of thanks – Ark Channel ministry heavier in 09. Now saints volunteer in counseling, translation, IT, web & content backup. After my first draft of daily Ark, mails are delivered by different saints from various accounts. Due to each having his own routine, you may be receiving the article at different hours in the day. A most sincere thanks to you all for care & concern in our work & schedule. As for me, I am focused on writing/editing, blessed with good rest. Praise theLord for your love & pursuit in His word, and continued prayer for us. — yokefellow, Sam Kong

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