Your Healing Beams!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, …went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. (v35)

First Thing First! — No Matter How Busy!

1. Early in the morning! — Best moment to meet with God!

2. Lonely or lonesome! — Best setting to connect with God!

All works of preaching, teaching, cleansing, healing…. are backed up by the power of prayer! Fearless is one who first fills himself with God!

Scripture of the day: Mark 1:21-45
Indepth commentary: Mark 1


* Priscilla FONG, top management in banking field for 20+ years. Extremely busy as she is, she cares for people around her with the love of the Lord. One time she was moved by the Lord to write a Christmas card to an old friend, in adding words of care, she came up with 7 pages. Thanks to the work of the Holy Spirit, her friend read with an open heart and accepted the Lord! Priscilla evangelized in her wedding service, generously inviting her peers, seniors, clients, testifying the great love of Jesus, touching hearts of many. Within the first year after her getting married, 7 of these guests accepted Jesus as their Savior!

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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