Turn to Jesus & Be Blessed!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
The beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ, the Son of God. (v1)

Christianity is Christ, History is His Story — A suffering servant, a surmounting Savior!

1. God’s faithful servant! –Christ rising from the dead tends the world with His resurrected life.

2. God’s faithful follower! –Christ abiding by the will of God serves the world with the gospel.

Scripture of the day: Mark 1:1-20
Indepth commentary: Mark 1


* Bible scholar Bro. Paul MA ???, 82, is always in high spirit, fervent in love with Jesus & passionate for His word! He has held a series of Bible seminars in Greek in HK. In his testimony last Sunday, he shared how he fell in love with Jesus 50 years ago at Stanford University & has never parted since. The love of the Lord is forever fresh to him, impressing him to tears…His Bible seminars in India were well received, let’s continue to pray for India in their pursuit of Bible study in Greek!

* Listen “5A.M. in China”

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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