Eternal Grace, Rain or Shine!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
… who had himself become a disciple of Jesus. (Matt 27:57)

3 Miracles — Death of a King!

1. He overcomes sin – the curtain of temple torn in two (v51a), unveiling the road straight to God because by one sacrifice He has made perfect forever those who are being made holy. (Heb 10:14-16)

2. He fulfills the law – the earth shook & the rocks split (v51b), tremble before the law forever appeased (Ref: Exodus 19:16; Heb 12:18-24)

3. He conquers death – the tombs broke open & the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life (v52)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 27:32-66
Indepth commentary: Matthew 27


* YUEN Tsang Woon Ki ???? is a remarkable leader in social work & education in an international spectrum. Once caught cheating in exam, her class mistress Jackie PULLINGER ???spared her of harsh punishment, instead sent her on voluntary service in the ‘unpoliced’ Kowloon Walled City. Pullinger was known to the world for her works in the Church in the Walled City, rehabilitating thousands of drug addicts & prostitutes. Deeply touched by the gospel, Woon Ki turned to serious studies, earning her way to important position as Associate VP of the HK Polytechnic University. She is actively involved in organizing international social aids programs, blessing many! (Full story: Issue 5, Happy Men magazine).

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