God so Good!

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
…they saw no one but Jesus alone. <17:8>

The Preview of our Lord’s Return — :
1 . Only One focus (v.1-8) — Glorious Christ is centre for everything from the beginning, & He will also be the centre in eternity. Listen to His commands carefully!

2 . Three groups of followers (v.1-3) — 3 apostles symbolized thousands of believers. Moses symbolized passed-away believers, Elijah signified conquerors raptured by God. Lift up your eyes! Our glorious King coming soon!

* HK New Life New Hope –yesterday 1838 people joined meeting, 121 souls converted to Christ. (238 people in 2 days! ) Yesterday topic The Real Blessing (1 Peter 1:23-25). Men cannot receive eternal blessings apart fr God! Toward altar call, Bro Ching testified that he just shared the gospel with a driver before the meeting. The driver was moved, prayed with him & received Jesus ! (he actually has 2 daughters being Christians!).

*The third round– New Life New Hope Crusade , Feb 5 (Sun) 3pm (for enquiries: 23695106) : 1. Lingnan University Topic : Soften your Heart.
2. Taikoo Primary School in Quarry Bay , Topic – Unchanging Love

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