Follow Him! Love Him!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
…. I go over there and pray.” (36b)

With Him, Watch & Pray! (Matt 26:36-46)

1. Endure in Tribulations!

2. Persevere in Prayer!

- This is path in following the Heavenly King!

Scripture of the day: Matthew 26:26-50
Indepth commentary: Matthew 26


* Bible scholar Bro. Paul MA, ??? (US), & Bro. CHOI Sit Kit ??? (Canada) held Biblelectures in India & enjoyed splendid fellowship with church leader of Central India, Bro. Sunil JohnsKLAVARA. There is rapid spread of the gospel and growth of Nagapur churches – startedout with 3 saints to 300,000 within 17 years. Hallelujah! Read “The Church in Your House” by Indian pastor, Victor CHOUDHRIE about how churches in India grow fromwithin households, an approach different from conventional church building in the west.

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