God of Peace!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
…. I was a stranger and you invited me in (v35b)

Watch with Desire, Work with Faith — Till He Appears!

1. Be wise virgins! – Do we have oil in our lamps? Is our life filled with His word & His spirit? (v1-13)

2. Be faithful servants! – Do we make good use of every opportunity to serve Him before He returns? (v14-30)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 25:31-46
Indepth commentary: Matthew 25


* Professor GUAN Xin Yuan ???, Director, Laboratory of Cancer Genetics, HKU, comments on theory of evolution. While DNA enables heredity, protein does not. It takes more than one protein to make protein combination happen! How then can the first protein combine on its own?
Conclusion: protein combination cannot occur in a native environment outside of a life breeding condition (such as inside a cell). This points to the fact that evolution does not explain the origin of life.

* Listen to audio book “How to Pray” by R.A. TORREY, Pastor/Evangelist.

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