No Excuse!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
…. the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them. (Matt25:19b)

Prosper the Property Entrusted to Us! (Matt 24:14-30)

1. God gives us everything! His revelations to man, His redemption, His call for repentance, His gospel so mighty, His life, the Holy Spirit…

2. Exploit the inheritance from God as a faithful servant rather than being wicked & lazy. Seize the opportunities! The master is soon to settle accounts with us.

Scripture of the day: Matthew 25:1-30
Indepth commentary: Matthew 25


*Dr. GUAN XY ??? of Genetics Studies, University of Arizona (US) elaborates his rationale of nonbelief in evolution. For 6 years, in collaboration with scientists at the National Human Genome Research Institute, where “Draft Reference of the Human Genome Sequence” was completed. The majority of the scientists on the consortium, including Director Francis COLLINS and Deputy Director Jeffrey TRENT, are Christians. In research on genetics & molecular biology, many scientists uncovered many questions that evolution cannot answer, leading them into the realm of faith in Christ. (to be continued)

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