Conquer the World!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
…it (He) is near, right at the door. (v33b)

Waiting for Him at the Last Mile!

1. endure to the end (v13)

2. watch for you do not know what hour (v42)

3. serve faithfully (v45)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 24:29-51
Indepth commentary: Matthew 24


* 60 years in love with Jesus – Sister NG Lee Heng Yan ????, 87, (HK) rested in the peace of the Lord. In dear love for God & men, never did she cease assembling in the Lord since her baptism 60 years ago. Her son Jason NG hastened home for her funeral from Fredericton Canada. The message “I Know Whom I Believe In” (God is Light, Hope & Blessings!) opened up the gospel in the memorial service. May the Lord guide His churches in the vicinity of Fredericton – let His words flourish & churches thrive.

* Listen to “Praises throughout the Universe” ????

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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