Sincerely Yours!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world …(v14a)

Prophecy of Wonder – through Tribulation, but not caught in the Tribulation (Matt 24-25)

1. Our Passage & Destination in this world! (24:4-14)

2. Great Tribulation & End of the Age! (24:15-26)

3. The King’s Second Coming in Glory (24:27-30)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 24:1-28
Indepth commentary: Matthew 24


* Kelvin’s brother, despite unpleasant experience in a gospel meeting 2 years ago, found great joy & salvation last Sunday. He asked Kelvin to lead him to church – because he was touched by the great care & kindness of his medical doctor. He desires to obtain the Lord, like that of his doctor’s – to know the Lord of life & love joyfully!

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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