Love Eternal !

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
….’Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’ ( Matt 23:39)

Press On by His Side — in Turmoil of the End Times (Matt 23-24)

1. Safeguard our heart clean and righteous (v25-28)

2. Lament and repent over the desolation (v37-39)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 23:23-39
Indepth commentary: Matthew 23


Healing Heart without border – A minority tribe in the mountain areas of South West China is at peace on its own, not bothered by the outside world. But there was once a sad incident of man & wife getting drunk & had a fight. The wife killed her husband by mistake, she took her own life out of guilt, leaving their child behind uncared for. The Lord moved Christians outside China to leave their comfort & set up orphanages there, providing the kid with education & care. The child nowfinished high school with peaceful heart. Boundless His love!

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