Everlasting Arms !

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
… and to God what is God’s.” (Matt 22:21b)

Dual Identity — Balanced View on the World (v15-22)

1. we are citizens on earth – be God fearing & law-abiding (v21a)

2. we are citizens in heaven – be living out the image of God ! (v21b)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 22:1-22
Indepth commentary: Matthew 22


* Famous scholar, Milton WAN Wai Yiu (???) has a friend from Singapore, wealthy in oil business, used to look down on Christians. Wan had a chance to explore ‘truth & faith’ together with him. One day, he made a dedicated trip to HK just for a truth seeking discussion with Wan. He realized that for many years he has been flying around the globe for business. If eternity existed, it’s well worth it to fly all the way to find out. 3 years later, he became a Christian. He later sold his business & returned to Singapore to serve the Lord. If there is a world beyond the existing, do think twice on your investment strategy!

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