Forgive or Forget?

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
Whoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, he is the greate st in the kingdom of the heavens; <18:4>

Thrilling news — little children are the biggest!
1) Who is the greatest? — who humbles himself like little child is greatest in Kingdom The more you humble yourself, the faster you can learn. (v.1-4)
2) Whom should we welcome? — Every little one is linked to the Lord & His Kingdom. So, every child’s need is the need of Body of Christ! Do not neglect any one ,as God the Father values him. (v.5-14)

* Smart baby, perfect match — one day when my old friends Dan and Ken were walking with their baby in the park, the baby met a young man reading there. The young man was a university student. He receive gospel pamphlet fr BB. Some days later he was then invited to CNY gospel meeting with his girlfriend, both converted to Jesus!

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