Power Boundless! Grace Divine!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
… ‘My house will be called a house of prayer,…. (Matt 21:13)

Special Operation – the Lord Assessing our Life

1. Cleanse the Temple (v12-17) – Never provoke God! Don’t let our inward temple turn into a den of thieves!

2. Curse the Fig Tree (v18-22) – Walk in Him so that our outward living be fruitful!

Scripture of the day: Matthew 21:23-46
Indepth commentary: Matthew 21


* Listen — The Best Blessing in This Life ???????

* Last month, hundreds of students attended wedding of a pair of Christian teachers. Wonderful to see young students, touched & in tears, lined up to shower blessings & thanks to their teachers. The groom testified that his father, principal of a school, died quite suddenly when he was only 40 days old, his mother, faithfully relying on the grace of God, raised 4 kids. The bride & groom both understand the meaning & challenge of the marriage vow. When they came to the part “for better for worse, in sickness and in health,” they read most solemnly, the bride bursting into tears… Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away. (Song of Songs 8:7) That’s the power of His love!

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