Unless You Forgive!

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
Should not you also have had mercy on your fellow – bondman, just as I had on you? <18:33>

Unshakable — 3 kinds of incredible power :
1 .The power of great love (v.12-15) — God loves every single one and He won’t give up anyone! He searches, bears, protects and be joy for you!
2. The power of His Presence (v.18-20) — From the biggest church to smallest family, Lord will be with us when we come together in His name. Great things can happen!
3. The power of Forgiveness (v.21-35) — if we convert into nowadays currency to calculate this metaphor, other owe us a pack of money ,but what we owe God requires : 8,600 workers , each carries 60 pounds of coins. The line is 5 miles long! God does not keep a record of sins , why do we not forgive others?

* Winnie setteled in Canada at the age of 12. She became rebellious. At the age of 14, she smoked, drank, took drugs, went disco & karaoke. She left home at 16 , changed partners all the time , even affected her two younger sisters. She was nearly destroyed when she’s 20. In 2002, she found a Bible at home. She discovered God loves her ! Since then her life changed. Two years later she got baptised and tells people about Jesus’ love !
* The third round –HK New Life New Hope– tomorrow Feb 5 at 3pm (enquires: 23695106) : Bro Ip to preach Soften your Heart -Lingnan University, TM ; Bro Samuel Ching to preach Unchanging Love -Taikoo Primary School, Quarry Bay

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