Glorious Future!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
What Shall We Have? (Matt 19:27)

1. “shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.” – Spiritual enjoyment this life! Beautiful life in eternity!

2. “many who are first will be last, and the last first.” – “Last” are those who boast what they do for Christ! “First” are those who strive to finish the course. It’s all up to the Lord to judge.

Scripture of the day: Matthew 19:16-30
Indepth commentary: Matthew 19


* Young Sister HON Choy Kei ???, 15( HK), discharged from hospital after heart surgery, invited her family to New Year gospel meeting. But she is now back to hospital. Let’s pray earnestly for her & her family.

* HONG Hong (??), inherits talents from parents, HUNG Sin Lui (???) & MA Shi Tsang (???), both Cantonese opera superstars. In her testimony at YMCA yesterday, she recounted how, for self-protection, she condemned her own mother during cultural revolution!. Now that she is a Christian, taught to “Honor father & mother”, she genuinely repented & sought the Lord’s forgiveness. She now writes gospel songs in Cantonese opera style to testify God’s love. Her 80 year old mother fine tunes lyrics on her works!

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