Love Him Evermore!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
…. ‘Be patient with me,’ he begged, ‘and I will pay back everything.’ (Matt18:26)

Calculating Forgiveness! Forgive your brother from your heart, one more time!

1. Our Lord Forgives – Don’t ever try to breakeven with God. It’s only for His mercy that we still own our possessions, life & family.

2. Be Willing to Forgive – Forgiving someone is a way of repaying debt to God. (It takes us lifetime to clear the debt of 1 billion at the rate of 10 taels per head. If God comes after us on the breakeven, we have to forgive 1 million friends to make up!)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 18:21-35
Indepth commentary: Matthew 18


* Sister TIAN Hong Wen (???, Singapore) was received into the Lord on Jan 30. An elderly of 92 years, our sister loves the Lord & His church, always hosting saints & a blessing to many. May the Lord be gracious to her family who live on testifying her faith.

* Haman, Chief editor of gospel magazine “Happy Man” reports in the latest issue results of a large scale survey in the U.S. Generous helpers are happier people & less likely to suffer depression. It is more blessed to give than to receive. – God’s Word is the most effective anti-depressant

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