Living Hope! Loving Heart!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
… “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” (Matt 18:1)

The Biggest Task is Founded on 2 Small Bearings

1. Humble before God (v4) – God resists the proud, but gives grace unto the humble. Humble yourself like a child & be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven!

2. Forgiving before man (v35) – search our soul & forgive one another from your heart… this is the key to joy & edification among saints!

Scripture of the day: Matthew 18:1-20
Indepth commentary: Matthew 18


* Vincent Yun SHEN (???), once Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs at HK University of Science & Technology, a Ph.D. at 24, founder of HK Supernet, with a faithful heart to Jesus. His son once refused to eat melon, thinking that it is not sweet. But when he saw Shen, his father enjoying it so much, he gave it a try! How he likes it too! Believing in Jesus is also as simple as that! Give it a try and you’ll know how precious it is!

* Lord! You are my refuge! It is a heart-throbbing video of a lighthouse in France withstanding rough waves and storms.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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