Cure for Sorrow, Food for Spirit!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
… Bring the boy here to me.” (Matt17:17)

Only Jesus!

1. It’s only HIS voice, presence, authority that can cast off demons! (v14-18)

2. It’s only HIS being persecuted, life forsaken, rising to life that save us! (v22-23)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 17:14-27
Indepth commentary: Matthew 17


* New Life, New Hope Crusade in HK – last 2 sessions yesterday (Feb 1) — 114 answered altar call (total 360 in 4 sessions). Let’s pray earnestly for their faith to follow Christ!

* To support the ever growing need of patients & family, HK Hospital Christian Chaplaincy Ministry (????) offers words of comfort on the web, click:

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