Sight Received! Burden Freed!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
… a man with a shriveled hand was there. (Mark 3:1)

When I have no more energy to press on:

1. Listen to the Lord’s words – the source of all power (v1-6)

2. Follow the Lord’s footsteps to serve – the way to perfection (v13-19)

Scripture of the day: Mark 3:1-19
Indepth commentary: Mark 3


* Yan Ho, HK (??) son of Karen & Patrick happily returns home after staying in the hospital for a week, healed of pneumonia. Praise the Lord!
Thank you for your prayers.

* LI Kin-Ming, Seattle, (???) was a gangster for many years, jailed 3 times, 8 counts of criminal records. It was incidental that he met the Lord and became a believer. He is blessed with miraculous transformationand eventually becomes a preacher. Details:

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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