Radiant Life! Resonant Testimony!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
He appointed twelve – that they might be with Him … (Mark 3:14)

Strive in the timeless ministry — within the limits of life!

1. the biggest & final challenge on a leader – success in successors (v14-19)

2. the authority & power of a servant – intimate fellowship with the Lord (v14-15)

Scripture of the day: Mark 3:20-35
Indepth commentary: Mark 3


* While young in Canada, Bro. Patrick has gone astray, hanging out with criminals. One year, he left Toronto for his own ventures, a Christian friend sent him off, advising him with “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.” (Matt 6:33). The words rang in his head for years & finally brought him to repentance! (He is now an excellent Bible teacher.)

* Bro. Dixon IP ???completes gospel journey in Indonesia, will undergo operation Mar 4 (Wed) – removal of a tumor beneath the ear. 22 years gone by like a snap of fingers when the Lord last saved him from a serious illness. Bro. Ip continues to entrust the rest of his life in the Lord. Let’s remember him in our prayers.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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