Amazing Faith!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
…your faith has healed you…. (Mark 5:34)

Connect with the Source of Power:

1. By faith – touch Him in a personal way (v27)

2. For love – praise Him & thank HIm openly (v33)

Scripture of the day: Mark 5:25-43
Indepth commentary: Mark 5


* Christopher COLUMBUS, the explorer/navigator who discovered the American continents has studiously studied chapter 26 of the book of Job before he was 50. Knowing that the earth is round, he persisted till he found the New World in 1492. Do we have the same faith in the Word of God as he did!

* “Search” function is available on Ark webpage. Simply input keyword in “Search” box at top right corner. Articles can also be retrieved according to books of the NT. We pray this would arouse further interest in our study of His Word. (both Eng & Chin).

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