Life So Beautiful

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
… He had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. … (Mark 6:34)

Count on Him by Faith! — He Makes Our Life a Splendor!

1. He is our Provider — A great shepherd who tends us with great compassion! (v30-44)

2. He is our Protector – A great companion who delivers us from danger! (v45-52)

Scripture of the day: Mark 6:30-56
Indepth commentary: Mark 6


* Riding the waves of life – Surgery on Evangelist Dixon IP ??? was a success yesterday, preliminary lab result on tumor: not a threat. He testifies “though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil”, he is weak but sees His glory. Bro. IP thanks all saints from all lands for their kind regards, encouragements & prayers!

* Sister LAW Nai Huen ???, experienced educator/counsellor speaks on “Woman Torn Between Work and Family” (Must-Watch for wives, Cantonese)

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