Gift of Life – Gracious!

Peter 1, Voice Divine Add comments
because the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears towards their supplications …<3:12>

The shelter in times of trouble stay in the conservation area under the oversee of the shepherd:
1. Family life (v1-7) — Couple live in harmony. wives spend more time looking upon God; husbands protect the family by grace and prayers!
2. Church life (v8-13)– We are called to bless brothers and sisters! Be compassionate and humblelike Jesus. Only this can help us growing and staying in the Church. (My heartfelt wish!)
3. Evangelical life (v14-22) — Preach at anytime and you will be free from all!

* A lady was very poor after she got married. Later, she found that her husband had an affair! Since then she became superstitious & pursued Japanese religion. She rose up her kids in sadness for over 20 years. In 1995, her daughter was baptised. 8 year later, the mother became a Christian too, and she bowed and prayed for her family everyday. After 1 year, the daughter came back fr Hawaii to destroy all idols at home —this mother was baptised yesterday!

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