Miracles Evermore?

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
…the Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.

Opportunities — a clear inner vision :
1. Regain our Sight?v.29…32?– Do we have the courage and persistent of this 2 blind men? They don’t ask for money or necessities but only ask to see God!
2. Repave our Way?v.33…34?– After experiencing miracles & blessings, are we leaving Him or following Him? You really treasure Jesus ? Or just interested in His healing?

? During Crusade in Lunar New Year HK, a security guard in hall patroling, also heard the message, believed in Jesus with sincere heart.- in tears . Another lady nearly deceived in mainland before new yr, her husband prayed & comforted her. So she made special trip to HK , just to attend crusade & accepted Jesus!.
? Last Sunday 2 doctors in our church announced their marriage in morning (Wedding coming Sun). Then the would -be-bridegroom’s parents gave them best gift – they both believed in Jesus during that afternoon!
? 390 believed in last Crusade. 4 messages (Cantonese)? by Samuel Ching, Dixon Yip?

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