House of Prayer!

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
“the Lord needs them…

3 advices fr our Lord :
1. The little donkey (v. 1-11) — You are in the King’s hand! Wait for His order humbly!
2. House of prayer (v.12-17) – Spirit is working across the lands! The power of prayers can influence nations!
3. Fruit-bearing tree (v.18-22) — He has great expectation on you! Don’t be a fruitless tree which angered Jesus!

*Power of the gospel –On 31/1 a young man’s father sent to hospital. Doctor gave up. I asked for few hours more from God, then rushed to the visit with 2 brothers. The 78-year-old man returned to live & heard the whole gospel consciously! Prayed he accepted Jesus, he told us to call him ‘brother’ instead of ‘mister’. We asked whether he was sure of his salvation, he said he was ‘in’! Few days later the old man got well and witnessed Jesus’ power to his wife! When saints revisit him, he was joyful & thankful. The first sentence he said he was – “God saved me from door of death!”
* The population of our church increase for 1/6 in a week. The following work already started. Pls pray for these 390 recently came to Jesus — ”Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not…For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord…”?2 Cor 4:1?5?

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