Dwell in Him!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
…. “He has done everything well,” ….. (Mark 7:37)

My Master’s Touch!

1. I can’t hear — I can’t speak! Lonely and helpless are the deaf and mute! (v31-32)

2. He is gracious — I am grateful! The Lord delivers the deaf and mute from the crowd, opens their ears and loosens their tongues. (v33-37)

Scripture of the day: Mark 7:24-37
Indepth commentary: Mark 7


* Far East Broadcast Inc. ??????successfully put up the 250,000 watt transmitters on Jeju Island, Korea in ’73, but the saints could not afford the US$52,000 for the power generators. Praise the Lord, God Loves China! He makes things happen! Within the same day, they received two letters from America: one from a Fund owner in the Mid-West offering to donate half the sum if someone would take on the other half; the other letter was from a farm owner in the East asking what their needs were. The Lord moved the founder, Bro. BOWMAN to enquire. When Bowman spelled out the need for US$26,000, our brother on the other end of the line shouted in joy “This is exactly what the Lord has been telling me!” With the total fund available, the radio network broadcast far and wide.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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