Love & Peace in Abundance!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
… came and fell at His feet. (Mark 7:25)

Create in me a clean heart, Oh God!

1. From within, out of our hearts come defilement and evil thoughts! Are we completely hopeless? (v1-23)

2. Let’s seek salvation with humbleness and honesty! Grace of God is always sufficient to save! (v24-30)

Scripture of the day: Mark 7:1-23
Indepth commentary: Mark 7


* Far East Broadcast Inc. ??????, a Christian station providing radio service to China for 50 years, teaches &comforts souls of many. The bulk of 50,000 letters received in ’07 (an accumulation of 500,000 in 50 years) shows how men thirst & hunger for God. Bro. Robert H. BOWMAN, the founder, recalls how faith fosters the ministry all the way. One notable miracle was the construction of transmitters at 250,000 watt on Jeju Island, Korea in ’73. (to be continued)

* Sister LAW Nai Huen ???, educationist /counsellor speaks on “Tension & In Parent Child Relationship” in Cantonese

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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