Steadfast & Strong in Spirit!

Everyday New Testament, Mark Add comments
The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God; (v1)

John the Baptist – a Life Model!

1. dedicated to his mission, pure in his living
- Clothed with camel hair, fed on locusts , wild honey…Our only mission is to pave the way for the Lord! (v2-3, 6)
2. humble in mind, brave in moral
-  look up to the Lord… bold to bring the world to see their own corruption (v7-8)
3. beautiful like the Lord, divine is his teachings
- The world almost mistook him to be Jesus the Lord… the world believed his baptism is from heaven (6:14-29. 8:28, 11:29-32)

Scripture of the day: Mark 1:1-20


* We just came back to HK from Cambodia! Weather very hot. Thanks to  Abba for guarding us & guiding us all the way…. Let’s encourage one and other & labour in  fields of the Lord (whether abroad or local). Let’s observe His great works! We thank all for your support & prayer…. Mutual prayers! — Linda SHUM, GNCI

* Bro Dixon IP (葉特生), a faithful servant in the Lord will tour HK and the territories nearby to preach the gospel after New Year! Let’s pray for the 9 meetings ahead

* A Wise Choice! by Samuel CHING (程蒙恩) / Cantonese, audio Second session of “New Life New Hope” Gospel Meeting, (HK)

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