Few Chosen?

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
… brought together all as many as they found, both evil and good;…<22:10>

Dare you Rejecting God’s Invitation?
1. The Jews dare to reject God’s invitation ? v.1…7?…How about us? Are you willing to accept Christ’s salvation?
2. Christians must be serious on our responsibilities?v.8…14?… Have we cleansed ourselves ? Have we put on Christ’s salvation?
God’s invitation is open to all , but his inspection is also strict. Dare we reject God?

? Theanointed & legendary Indian preacher Pardeep, is going to hold a special meeting next week. Rare chacnce for saiints in HK. (Eng/Chinese) Wed 7:30pm, Christian Gospel Hal in Mong Kok , 1/F, 17 Playing Field Road. Mong Kok MTR exit A?

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