A Living Hope?

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
…love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your understanding. <22:37>

Reminders in the progress to the Kingdom of Heaven :
1. Duties in this life (v. 15-22) – Are we sacrificing our best to God in love to Him? Are we carrying out duties on earth faithfully in fear of Him?
2. Hope afterlife (v. 23-32) – In God’s heavenly eyes there are no deads. Death of God’s people is a passage to the better home in heaven!

? A friend was ill-treated by his father in his childhood. He can’t forgive his father even after believing in Jesus, only willing to preach once to his father, letting him to choose whether or not to believe and let him to bear the consequence alone! But after he preached, But the Lord reminded him to pray for enemies. At last he forgave his father, preached to him until his father was saved, and took care of him in his illness till he passed away.

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