Covetousness Produces Evil! Benevolence Produces Life!

Everyday New Testament, Galatians Add comments
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. (Galatians 6:7)

Law in Harvesting Life – Sow then Reap

1. To God: Do not covet for more than you deserve – God is not mocked, He grants fruits born out of what we sow. (v7-8)

2. To Man: Do not be weary in well-doing, do not faint in faith, be patient and wait on God who gives in His time. (v9-10)

Scripture of the day (NT) : Galatians 6


* It’s Jesus/ 原來是耶穌


*Cry aloud and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion; for great in the midst of thee is the Holy One of Israel. (Isaiah 12:6)

Isaiah 11:14- When it’s all dark and desolate on all sides, the song of salvation ends with the proclamation that God is among his people.

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