Faith In His Grace, Not Things Other Than Him!

Everyday New Testament, Galatians, Sunday Hope Add comments
So then they that are of faith are blessed with the faithful Abraham. (Galatians 3:9)

The Law Explained:  For Those Who Are Mindless of His Law

1. a big recession in salvation:  the hearing of faith, the works of the law are not sufficient to save you (v2-3)

2. the 430 covenant of “Only Trust Him”: 430 years went by like on wings, yet God’s will remains the same and unchanging (v17)

Scripture of the day (NT): Galatians 3


* Letter from UK – I am now in Lancaster! Everything is so peaceful here. Praise the Lord who makes all people all around the world preach His love to people all around the world! — 曉彤 (Cally) in Lancaster


* When Faced with Peace vs Danger & Conflicts in Life, Pastor YN LAM/ 林以諾牧師

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