Seek Him

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
…make clean first the inside …

How God value us —- true in the heart?
1. Common mistakes of men — godliness in appearance but far away fr Lord in heart (v.13-28)
2. Lord’s grief — Despite his repeated calling, we are not repenting ! (v.29-39)

* Bro Pradeep who is to give sermons in HK, is deeply influenced by Bakht Singh. B. S. is called the father of modern Indian churches. His family rich, studied in England & had been a devoted Sikh. He became a Christian while further studies in Canada. He then gave up the inheritance of abundant family property , lived on God’s miraculous supply. He came back to India, brought thousands to the Christ.
In the night of 31 April 1935 he preached in Quetta, 58 repented & believed. At 12:30am that night, he lied in his tent, exhausted. He couldn’t get to sleep – Lord urged him to pray for those rejected Jesus that night. So he prayed earnestly, asking God to wake up sinners. He prayed till 3 o’clock a.m, felt peaceful. Suddenly the earth shook, he thought God had heard his prayers – shaking sinners. So he remained kneeing & praying. Half an hour later he learnt that there was an earthquake. 58,000 died during the 18 seconds of earthquake that night, but God had spared his life miraculously. In prayer!

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