高山可遷走, 你愛不變舊 !

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耶穌說, 拿過來給我 (v.18) 太14上

在我敵人面前 , 你為我擺設筵席 (14:1-21)

一. 在自己手中 — 只見人的有限 ! (v.15-17)
二. 交主的手中 — 經歷主的無限 ! (v.18-21)

今日聖經: 馬太福音 14 章 1 - 12 節


* 病得醫治– 過去方舟台提出, 為有血癌病徵的BB Philip (HK)代禱, 各地聖徒長久禱告,
神蹟出現。 譚家最新來函 –「各位親愛聖徒 , 主是盾牌和力量 , 我們三子Philip ,
已全康復, 主大能智慧醫治,血液報告正常, 血癌病徵全消 , 孩子活潑開朗, 每主日能聚會!
讚美主! 謝謝各方不住代禱, 神應允你們所求,很感激你們對我家和 Philip仔的關懷,
歸給全知全能無所不在的至高神 ! —在基督裡的 John & Jessie Tam

Dear beloved saints of the LORD who is our shield and strength,

Philip King Lok, our third son, has fully recovered from his illness. The LORD has healed him with His mighty power and wisdom. All the results of blood tests of King Lok and are normal. All the symptoms of leukemia are gone. King Lok is active and joyful. He is attending church every Sunday!! Praise Him. Thank you very much for your continuous prayer support. God has listened to your prayers! Many thanks for your love for King Lok and our family. We owe you a lot. May God give us the opportunity to pay back your kindness to us one day.

May glory and honor be unto the Most High God who is all-knowing, all- powerful and present everywhere.

Sincerely in Christ,
John and Jessie Tam

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