Abba’s Reward

天文直播室, 馬太福音 No Comments »

愛神, 為神, 榮神  —-  神必然報答的三件事 :

一. 代神施捨  (v,1-4)

二. 向神禱告  (v.5-15)

三. 為神禁食  (v.16-18)

主說擺筵席要請貧,殘,瘸,瞎的人,  因他們沒有甚麼可報答你。但到義人復活時,你要得著報答!   (路14:13-14)

今日聖經: 馬太福音 6 章  1 - 18 節
進深查讀: 馬太福音 6 章


* 加拿大Timothy Tsoi –謝謝方舟台報導,得悉年長牧者行完路程 , 完成工作 ,
有感, 分享此歌 ;  歌詞:

When it’s all been said and done , There is just one thing that matters

Did I do my best to live for truth, Did I live my life for You…

Lord Your mercy is so great, That You look beyond our Weakness

And find purest gold in miry clay, Making sinners into saints

I will always sing Your praise, Here on earth and ever after

For You’ve shown me Heaven’s my true home ,When it’s all been said

and done, You’re my life when life is gone ,  Lord I’ll live my life for You

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