Special Prayer Request- Ark Channel_24/03/2016

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Special Prayer Request- Ark Channel_240316

* Letter from missionaries in Cambodia - Please pray for Dianne, one of our volunteers. We suspect that she has contracted dengue fever, with symptoms since the weekend. A medical consultation and medication do not seem to help… We plan on sending her to the hospital tomorrow! Lord, we proclaim Jesus Is Lord and You are in full charge. - CY/正昕

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遇強更強!- 方舟台 240316 週四 可14中


一. 離開了主, 我輩能作甚麼?
二. 自以為強, 主必多加試驗!


* 人在比利時 - 在紐約治療中的Eric Lee,多方手術,漸得康復。Eric 的女兒Natalie來信: 「今早布魯塞爾恐襲,我正在當地另一機埸,否則喪命。我現已降落在 Budapest。(生命不可掌控,活著便要珍惜!)」請為他們一家代禱,見證基督!

* …耶和華在埃及地,在你們眼前向法老…並他全地所行的一切事,你們都看見了,(申29:2)


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